My Spin on the Classic School Photos

My family is part of a wonderful homeschool community. I wouldn't be the mom/teacher I am without them. They are encouraging, uplifting, and honest. We share our triumphs and our struggles, and we support each other in all areas of life. It's been one of the biggest blessings in our lives.

I know that many homeschool families are one income families, and they make lots of sacrifices in order to raise and educate their children full time. This means that luxuries like professional photos often don't happen. I wanted a way for some of these families to be able to document this new school year without the burden of cost. And from this the idea for back to school mini sessions was born!

Now I know I'm not the first photographer to do this, its a completely unoriginal idea. I'm not even the only local photographer to offer these. I really hope though that everyone who did these with me felt how my heart was fully in it. I wanted to serve my homeschool community the best way I knew how.