A Celebration of Overcoming

I met Calen and Corinne when my husband and I first started dating. Andy and Calen have been friends for more years than most friendships make it. I have know them for almost 14 years now. That's almost half of my life, which blows my mind! All of that to say, this family means to the world to me!

When Corinne contacted me to set up a family session, I was beyond thrilled! You see, this family has been through a lot. We all know marriage has highs and lows, and sometimes it feels like you'll never come our of the valleys. I watched these two trudge through some very dark valleys, and that's their story to tell, not mine. Their story made me see this photoshoot as a celebration! A celebration of overcoming, perseverance, love, forgiveness, and strength that not many are mature enough to understand. I wasn't just capturing their family, I was capturing triumph!